Programming Principles & Guidelines for Programmers

The idea here is to have quality code, which means, never taking shortcuts at all. Do your due diligence and everything should work out just fine in the end. Yes, it will take a long while for you to complete the writing of your code, but at least it will lack a ton of errors at the end of the day. Here are some of the est Programming Principles & Guidelines Programmers should follow-

1] Review and optimize your code

No matter how good of a programmer you might think yourself to be, your code won’t always be perfect. With that in mind, we suggest reviewing your code for errors and optimize where necessary. If everything goes according to plan, the code will be more efficient, but still delivers the same results. Now, one should realize that things are constantly changing, therefore, revisiting your codebase to make changes is completely normal. And you may have to do this multiple times throughout the life of your project, so bear this in mind. Read: What is a Function in Programming?

2] Open to extension, but closed to modification

It’s not good behavior to write code and release it for others to modify. Whenever you deliver an update, chances are the code will break because your update is not compatible with modification. So, please consider supporting the ability to have your codebase support extensions because it allows for easier maintenance. If you believe there are great ways to support modifications without problems, then go ahead. Just make sure a great plan is in place if the plan goes sour.

3] KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid)

You shouldn’t view this as disrespect because it is one of the most popular coding principles. You see, the idea is to keep your code as simple as possible. Don’t end up in a situation where you are doing things out of the ordinary. If you can write a script in a single line, then do it and do not try to stretch it to multiple. Writing simple ensures you always know what is going on, and it is easier to read too. Read: Difference between Low-level and High-level Programming languages.

4] Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

One of the most important things when writing code, is to make sure never to repeat yourself, as in, writing the same code twice. It’s a huge mistake to go down this route, therefore, folks should make it a habit to avoid duplicates at all costs. From what we’ve come to understand, users should locate algorithms that support looping in order to run a single code multiple times. Just bear in mind that DRY code is much easier to maintain.

5] Make a habit to document code

Not everyone does this, but it should be common practice at all times. You see, many professional programmers have decided to document their code for future reference. If you do not know what this means, well, it is essentially leaving notes at key aspects. Imagine returning to your code a year after writing it, but find yourself confused as to why you made certain decisions. Now, if a note was left, then there would be no reason for confusion, which is why all programmers should document their work over-time.