Auto Fill options not showing in Excel
Auto Fill is a feature in Excel that fills cells with data that follows a sequence and creates a string of numbers, dates, and days to apply formatting from one cell to adjacent cells. The Auto Fill button has options such as:
Copy Cells: This option copies the previous data within the column or row when dragging down or across.Fill Series: This option allows data to follow a sequence when dragging down or across.Fill Formatting Only: when selected, This option leaves the formatting as it is.Fill Without Formatting: When Fill Without Formatting is selected, it will keep the value but no formatting; for instance, if the value is blue, the Fill Without Formatting option will not preserve it.Fill Days: When the Fill Days option is selected, it allows the sequence of days.Fill Weekdays: When the Fill Weekday feature is selected, it allows the sequence of weekdays.Flash Fill: When Flash Fill is selected, it automatically fills your data when it senses a pattern.
How to enable Auto Fill in Excel
Click File.
On The Backstage View, click Options.
An Excel Options dialog box will appear. Inside the Excel Options dialog box on the left pane, select Advanced. On the Advanced page in the Cut Copy and Paste section, click the check box for the Show paste Options button when content is pasted. Then click OK.
Notice, on your excel worksheet, you will see the Auto Fill button when you drag the fill handle down. We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to fix the missing Auto Fill option in Excel; if you have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments. Read next: How to calculate Moving Averages in Excel.