Apps keep pinning themselves on startup to the taskbar

As a user, you can remove default pinned apps from the Taskbar by making changes to the layout XML file. This post walks you through the necessary steps in brief. This method described above works only for default apps. It never removes the apps pinned by the user to Windows Taskbar. Launch the File Explorer. In the address bar of the File Explorer, type the code %USERPROFILE% and hit the Enter key.

Navigate to the following path address –

Here, right-click the DefaultLayouts file and select Open with > Notepad. Press Ctrl+F keys together to launch the Find box.

Type CustomTaskbarLayoutCollection and hit the Find Next button. This program node contains code for the pinned applications, notification pane, etc. Trace the Xbox app and Dragon Center app code lines under taskbar:TaskbarLayout and remove them. Once done, save the changes made to the .xml file and restart your PC. You should find the pined apps gone or removed from Windows 10 Taskbar. That’s all there is to it!