TidyTabs for Windows Explorer

The TidyTabs app offers a tabbed experience for all the programs using the drag and drop feature. It is capable of guessing by itself which window types do not need tab functionality and as such, do not offer a tabbed interface for such applications. The good thing is that no special features are required to configure this functionality. If that’s not sufficient, you can easily specify which application should have tabs and which one should not. Two clicks are enough to add an application to the blacklist or to the whitelist. Every single function of TidyTabs can be configured or disabled via a simple configuration interface.

Using TidyTabs, a user can close, arrange, drag-out, drag in within one Notepad window. The tabbed interface doesn’t get in your face. It remains hidden for most of the time period and to open, close tabs you’ll just need to hover the mouse cursor over the top bar. Once you do it, the tabbed interface automatically becomes visible.

Add Tabs to Windows programs

Tabs are added automatically to each window, however, they are not displayed when there is a single program attached to it. You can use drag and drop to merge the window with another open program window.  Once done, windows, tabs appear readily in a semi-transparent design. Tabs can be closed by closing a program window, or by doing a right-click on a tab and selecting one of the closing options from the list displayed, If required, the default behavior in the settings can be changed via ‘Settings’ menu. Simply open the appearance settings from the application’s system tray icon and change tab transparency settings.

Switching to the behavior tab of the settings will allow displaying even the single tabs. The areas where TidyTabs falls short – It does not support multi-monitor setups. Moreover, it does not permit you to reorder or rename tabs and use middle-clicks to close tabs. Moreover, the free version of the app has a limit of 3 tabs, so if you require more you need to subscribe to a paid license. Download Tidy Tabs freeware version from here.

How do I add a tab in Windows Explorer?

As of now, there is no in-built option to add a tab in Windows or File Explorer in Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC. However, you can use third-party apps or file managers to get this functionality. If you do not want to use a third-party file manager, you can take a look at the TidyTabs app. It is compatible with Windows 10 as well as Windows 11. Read: How to use Tabs in File Explorer in Windows 11

Can you have tabs in File Explorer?

As of now, Microsoft has not included the tab functionality in File Explorer in the stable version of Windows 11. However, this feature might be included in the near future since it is one of the most requested features. Until that date, you can use third-party file manager apps to get tabs in File Explorer. Hope it helped.