Before getting started with these tutorials, it is essential to backup Registry files and create a System Restore point to be on the safe side.

How to add All Tasks to Control Panel

To add All Tasks aka Master Control Panel aka God Mode to Control Panel, follow these steps- Read on to know more about these steps. At first, you need to open the Notepad on your computer. You can use the Taskbar search box to open it. After that, paste the following Registry values in the Notepad. Now, click the File button that is visible in the top menu bar and select the Save As option. Following that, choose a location where you want to save the file. You need to include .reg as the file extension. It is okay to use any name, but don’t forget to use the .reg as the file extension. After that, select All Files from the Save as type drop-down list and click the Save button. Now, you need to double-click on the .reg file. Upon doing that, a UAC prompt should be visible. You need to click the Yes button in the UAC prompt and the same button again in the confirmation window.

Then, it should display a success message. You can click the OK button and open the Control Panel to see if the All Tasks option is added or not. If you want to remove All Tasks from Control Panel, open the Registry Editor and navigate to this path- Here you can find- You need to delete this key. Then, navigate to the following path- and delete this key:

How to add Disk Management to Control Panel

To add Disk Management to Control Panel, follow these steps- Let’s check out these steps in detail. At first, open the Notepad on your PC and paste the following Registry values- Now, you need to save this file with .reg extension. For that, you can either go to File > Save As, or you can press Ctrl+Shift+S buttons together. Next, you need to select a location where you want to save or keep the file. Finally, choose a name (anything) and include .reg at the end (e.g. registry-file.reg). Now, select All Files from the Save as type drop-down list, and click the Save button.

After that, double-click on the file to run it. You may find the User Account Control prompt. If so, click the Yes button and do the same in the confirmation window. At this point, all the Registry values are added already. You need to close the currently opened window and open Control Panel to find Disk Management. If you want to remove Disk Management from Control Panel, open Registry Editor, and navigate to this path- From here, you need to delete: Next, go to this path- And delete: That’s all!